In August 2016, New York state expanded its definition of a parent to include caretakers without biological or adoptive ties. In September 2016, a first court case put that definition to the test.
“My Child, Myself”
What do we teach our children, and what are the born knowing?
“Let’s Be Fair”
At nine, my daughter is becoming aware of the many ways in which the world is unjust, and is doing her part to promote fairness where she can.
Adopting Again as a Single Parent
“What do I need to know about adding to my family?”
“Growing Up”
Five years ago, I walked my daughter to her first day of school. We’ve both evolved in many ways since that morning, and more adventures surely lie ahead.
Going It Alone? Support Options for Singles
“How do I do this alone?” Single parent expert Lee Varon answers.
“A Different Definition of Family”
I am the white, single mother of an eight-year-old Asian girl, whom I adopted when she was six days old. As you can imagine, I have given a lot of thought to “the daddy question.”
“Living the Dream”
As my daughter grows up, a typical, American kid, we are free to imagine only happy endings for the family she left behind.
News Brief: LGBT Parents Very Open to Openness
A new study by The Donaldson Adoption Institute found that LGBT families are highly motivated to maintain openness and birth family contact.
News Brief: Higher Rates of Adoption Documented in Transgender Youth
Doctors at a gender management clinic have found that 8.2 percent of the 184 transgender youth they’ve seen between 2007 and 2015 were adopted. The overall rate in their state is 2.3 percent.
“Can You Suggest Kids’ Adoption Books for Single Parents?”
Books can help our children make sense of their own stories. They may have questions about things they don’t feel like talking about: being adopted, being raised by a single parent, being raised by gay or lesbian parents.
“Simplifying My Life as a Single Parent”
As crazy as it sounds, the transition from being childless to becoming a parent has given me time I didn’t have before.
“Older Mom, Growing Older”
After catching baby fever at age 40 and adopting a newborn at 45, I’m aiming to live till 100.
Ask AF: Limited Information About Birth Family
My 5-year-old has been asking a lot about her birth father recently, but I only have information about her birth mother.
“Older, Wiser, and Warming Bottles”
Adoptive parents pushing the mid-century mark are joining playgroups and diggingDora the Explorer. What’s age got to do with it?
“True Love, Times Two”
I used to wonder whether my love for my son would be more intense if I’d given birth to him. Having a biological child validated the depth of my feelings the first time around.
“The Second Half of My Life”
I had been a hard-driving reporter and happily single. But now, I was ready for something more.
“The Girls of Summer”
I want my active daughter to know it’s OK to play sports and be physically strong. I’m just not the best example of that athletic ideal.
The Daddy Question
How you respond to questions about your “single parent” status depends on who’s asking…
[Book Review] If It’s Not One Thing It’s Your Mother
You would expect a memoir of motherhood and adoption by a comedian and former SNL cast member to be funny.