Panama Adoption Fast Facts

Wondering how to adopt from Panama? Find statistics, prospective parent requirements, and an average budget and timeline.

A child brought to America via Panama adoption

Panama has a small adoption program, and very few agencies work there. In the last decade, there have been only a handful of adoptions to the United States. Panamanian citizens are given preference for adoption.

For more up-to-date information on how to adopt from Panama, visit the Panama page of the U.S. State Department’s website. Get parent-to-parent advice and support in the International Adoptive Families group in our online community, Adoptive Families Circle.

Search the National Infertility & Adoption Directory for adoption agencies placing children from Panama.

Panama Adoption Fast Facts

  • 2016 Adoptions: 1 child (most recent statistic available)
  • Hague Country: Yes
  • Estimated Total Cost: $30,000 to $40,000
  • Profile of Children: Most children are between 3 and 4 years old, have special needs, or are part of a sibling group.
  • Parent Ages: Adoptive parents must be between 18 and 45 years older than the child.
  • Family Status: Both married couples and singles may adopt. Couples must be married for at least two years. Same-sex couples may not adopt.
  • Travel: In the case of couples, both parents must travel to Panama for at least a week to bond with their child. At least one parent must remain in Panama to process the adoption. Total travel time is about two months.
  • Timeline: Usually one to two years.

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