When you lose a parent or grandparent, you mourn the past. When you lose a child, as I lost my 24-year-old daughter, you grieve for the future that will not be. By adopting after this unimaginable tragedy, I wasn’t aiming to bury my grief or to start over, but to start a new beginning.
“Finally Father’s Day”
I became a dad at age 50, and it changed my life in ways I never could have expected. It was the greatest gift.
“Before I Became a Mom”
“I have always known I was capable of giving this much love. What I didn’t know is that a child could love me this much.”
Ask AF: Readjusting to Younger Kids as an Older Mom
An older mom who’s enjoyed the relative freedom of parenting teens is nervous about readjusting to more hands-on parenting when she adopts a young child. Parents who have been there offer advice.
“Finally, Our Turn!”
First-time parent at 41? If this is my mid-life crisis, I couldn’t have hoped for a sweeter one.
“Older Mom, Growing Older”
After catching baby fever at age 40 and adopting a newborn at 45, I’m aiming to live till 100.
Parent-to-Parent: Embracing “Older” Parenthood
Readers who adopted as older parents share some of the drawbacks and benefits, their best advice—and the joy that comes with parenting, not matter what your age.
[Book Review] The Eye of Adoption
“I believe every woman currently waiting to adopt, or who knows someone who’s waiting, should read this book.”
[Book Review] Geezer Dad
Author Tom LaMarr and his wife thought they had plenty of time to have a kid — until they didn’t.
Crazy or Gutsy? Parenting in Your Forties and Fifties
Older, wiser — and adopting more than ever.
How We Decided
No one adoption route is right for every family. AF readers describe the thinking that went behind the route they chose.
“My Clutter, Myself”
Visitors to our apartment might see a mess, but I see the stories that bound me irretrievably to my daughter. Most of the time.
Choosing a Guardian
“I’m thinking about making a will. How do I choose a guardian for my child? What should I consider?”
“Unleashing the Mom Within”
A 7-year-old girl helps this author discover her maternal side.
“The View from Here”
As I see it now, my golden years are likely to be filled with pet doggies and boxed mac and cheese. And I can’t imagine anything better.
“Understanding My Family’s Circles”
My traditional childhood dreams gave way to an unexpected, soul-filling reality.
“Growing Pains”
After the loss of my father, I’ve found myself — an only child and a single mom — in the middle of a new family circle.
“What an Embarrassment!”
As my daughter approaches the tween years, she’s becoming more aware of who she is and of how others see her — and me.