A mother who adopted from foster care seeks advice about contacting the adoptive parents of her children’s birth siblings. Fellow adoptive parents weigh in.
Ask AF: Rivalry with a Newly Adopted Sibling
“Our son had been excited about the idea of a ‘little brother,’ but, from the day our younger son came home, they have had intense rivalry; there was no ‘honeymoon’ period. What can we do?”
“…and so It Goes”
My older son is off at college, and I’ve been heartened to see that his “new normal” includes a maturing and strengthening of the bond between us. I look back to the day I met him, just over eight years ago, and our years of attachment struggles, even as I look to his future, and ours, with hope.
“What Being a Foster Family Has Taught My Children”
Amazingly, the number one question we’re asked about being a foster family is: “Are you afraid of what they’ll teach your children?” So, what have my kids learned? To start—to be open, generous, non-judgmental, thankful for their warm home….
How Did You Prepare Your First Child for a Sibling?
We asked our readers how they introduced the idea of a second child to their first. Here’s what they shared for each age group.
From Only Child to Oldest
Preparing your child for a new sibling can be a challenge at any age, but especially when she is a sensitive teen.
Ask AF: When a Child Questions Adoption vs. Biology
“Recently, my 12-year-old has been questioning whether an adoptive mother can really love her children as she would biological children. She’ll say things like, ‘You think you love us, but you would love a child you gave birth to more. How should I talk with her about this?”
Ask AF: Our Only Child Is Asking for a Sibling
An adoptive parent wonders how to respond to an only child who keeps asking for a sibling. Real parents share their advice and stories.
“Letting the 13-Year-Old Drive”
How do you empower a child entering his teen years in a state of defeat, powerlessness, and utter self-disregard? You give him a key and tell him to take off!
Making the Decision to Grow Your Family Through Adoption
Have you been wondering whether to bring a second (or third) child into your home? An adoption social worker helps parents contemplating adoption to unpack their motivations and make the decision with eyes wide open.
Ask AF: How to Encourage a New-Sibling Bond?
“We adopted our 10-year-old daughter as an infant, and adopted her seven- and eight-year-old biological sisters last month. How can we help all three girls bond with each other?”
Bringing Birth Siblings Into Our Children’s Stories—and Lives
The vast majority of our children have birth siblings, yet parents may wonder how to approach the topic. Adoptive parents, birth parents, and adoptees share how they talk about biological siblings, and build brother-sister bonds.
“Where We All Belong”
When I was a teen, my parents decided to grow our family by adopting from foster care. How did it feel to suddenly gain four new brothers and sisters through adoption?
2016 Cover Photo Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 Adoptive Families Cover Photo Contest! See the nine photos selected from more than 1,000 entries, and read stories from the proud parents.
“Second Child, Second Thoughts?”
“I began to understand what Bianca was going through. She wasn’t sure she was ready for a baby sister yet. Was I?”
Webinar Replay: Adopting When You’re Already Parenting
View the replay of the “Adopting When You’re Already Parenting” webinar. Beth Friedberg, LCSW, explore questions that arise the second time around, from deciding on birth order to preparing your child for a sibling, and more.
Ask AF: A New Sister
We’ve been reading a Big Brother book to our three-year-old son (adopted at birth) to prepare him for the arrival of a six-week-old sister.
Parenting Strategies for Blended Families
When your family includes biological and adopted children, how do you make sure everyone feels included?
When the New Brother or Sister Is Not a Baby
When a sibling arrives at an older age or with emotional challenges, everyone will benefit from realistic expectations — and patience.
The Sibling Connection
Sure, they bicker, they fight, they tease each other mercilessly. But they’re also creating vital relationships that will last a lifetime.