Thousands of children in the U.S. foster system are waiting for adoptive families. Here, learn how to adopt and get answers to common questions about adopting from foster care.
Adopting a Baby: The Truth About Domestic Infant Adoption
Adopting a baby in the United States has changed dramatically in the last 30 years. When will popular perceptions catch up with the new, healthier reality? Here, an adoptive mother dispels common myths about adopting a newborn.
“Writing, Then Re-Writing, Our ‘Dear Expectant Mother’ Letter”
What do you write when the merchandise on offer is your heart?
The Top Ten Myths (and Facts) About Adoption
If you’re considering adoption and hearing falsehoods for family and friends, read on to get real adoption facts to debunk the fiction.
Building Your Family – The Infertility and Adoption Guide
Ready to build your family? Get started today by learning about your options, then search our directories to find your agency or team of professionals.
International Adoption – Country Overviews and Agency Listings
Read up on basic facts on the most popular sending countries for adopted children in this overview of international adoption, plus find adoption agency listings by country.
Surviving the Home Study
Use the home study to learn all about adoption.
Hiring Your Adoption Professional
Doing your homework helps you feel comfortable with your selection. How can you find that same comfort level when you hire an adoption professional? You probably have not done that before, and you may not know anyone else who has, either. You may not know what to ask for or how to get what you need.
Surviving a Winding Road to Adoption
How parents-to-be can survive failed expectant mother matches, changes to country programs, foster placements that do not lead to adoption, and other potential heartaches along the way.