Formulas, nutrition, and feeding — everything you need to know about filling your child’s tummy.
Bonding with Your Baby
Whether you’re adopting a newborn or a toddler, learn how to enhance attachment at each developmental stage.
Easing the Post-Adoption Adjustment
We’re about to adopt a toddler. How can we ease his adjustment during our first weeks as a family?
“My Resilient Son”
Dr. Jane Aronson shares her own story of adopting a child with developmental delays and reflects on the healing powers of love and permanence.
“A Stocking Filled with Memories of our Foster Child”
We knew it was possible for the girl we were fostering to be reunited with her birth mother. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Establishing Sleep Patterns
Why can’t my new child sleep?
To Have and to Hold: Attachment Parenting
AF looks at a hands-on parenting style that’s natural for our families.
Back to Work?
New adoptive parents have special concerns when it comes to child-care choices. Here’s how to make an informed decision.
“The Fierce Feelings of Motherhood”
In this personal essay, the author reflects on the surprising fierceness of feeling like a mom.
Parenting to Promote Attachment
What’s the best way to facilitate attachment with our newly adopted baby?
Establishing a Routine
When it comes to easing your baby’s transition to your home, consistency is key.
More Than Just the Blues
How to recognize and cope with post-adoption depression.
Ask AF: Bonding with a Newborn
My baby will already be two days old when I bring her home. Should I be concerned about bonding?
Breastfeeding Without Birthing
A lactation consultant and breastfeeding adoptive mom explains how to achieve a nursing relationship with your baby.
The Adoption Transition Diet
Dana E. Johnson, M.D., Ph.D., on introducing new foods and addressing feeding challenges in a newly adopted child.
“True Love, Times Two”
I used to wonder whether my love for my son would be more intense if I’d given birth to him. Having a biological child validated the depth of my feelings the first time around.
The Family Bed
Parents and experts talk about co-sleeping with an adopted child or infant.
“Negotiating a Workable Schedule After Adoption”
I assumed I’d be offered the same leave and benefits as moms who give birth. When I wasn’t, here’s how I negotiated with my employer.
The Dance of Attachment
Bonding with your baby is a process, so go with the flow.
“How I Was (Sort of) Able to Breastfeed”
If breastfeeding had been easy in the past, adoptive breastfeeding couldn’t be so different, or less rewarding, could it? More or less.