Millions of children around the world are currently being raised in “grandfamilies.” In this excerpt from a new guidebook, learn how to make sense of your new role and explain this unique form of kinship adoption to your child.
Parent-to-Parent: Holiday Gifts for Your Child’s Birth Family
We asked our readers: If you’ll be giving your child’s birth parents a gift this holiday season, what is it and how will you give it to them? Read the answers from adoptive parents.
“Three Real Families”
When my granddaughter asked me if I was the “real” mother of her mom, whom I adopted as an infant, I found a way to help her explore her many real connections, through biology, law, and love.
Ask AF: Roles and Titles in Kinship Adoption
“I adopted my grandson through a kinship adoption. He’s now six and has recently begun calling me ‘Mommy’ and saying he was in my tummy. Is this OK, or do I need to reiterate that I’m his grandmother?”
Ask AF: When Kids Don’t Ask for Birth Family Contact
A mother who adopted older children asks what to say to her children’s birth grandparent when her children don’t ask for contact.
[Book Review] Bastards
In this memoir, Mary Anna King details her complex relationship with her mother, her siblings, and the grandparents who adopted her.
Ask AF: Step-Adoption and the Birth Family
Answers to your parenting questions.
“I Have Four Moms”
For many parents who adopted children internationally, a birth mother relationship is uncharted territory.
“Goodbye to Grandpa”
My daughter’s struggle to make sense of this loss is shadowed by her earliest one.
Contact with Biological Grandparents
Should we create a contact agreement with our children’s biological grandparents? What are our legal rights?